
「Inter / Being」存在於生物與生物之間、生物與非生物之間、人與人之間、人與物之間、人與領域之間、領域與領域之間。每個當下,萬物都在交互作用。 而我們,要如何有方向性的讓交互作用開始發生?



Discourse of Inter-(Being)

The concept of ‘Inter/Being’ is manifested between the interactions of species and species, biological and non-biological, person to person, human and objects, man and expertises, studies and professions. There is no moment without interactions. And how do we provoke a directional interaction to happen?

The work ‘Studies of Interbeing - Trance 1:1’ started from the perspective of ‘microperformativity’ – using the body to restage the movement of virus replication, through which explores the possibility to understand this biological mechanism without words. And through which, extends to the macroscopic structure of virus-human interactions, to create a platform to contain the emotions contextualised by the pandemic. As the exhibition ‘Inter-(Being)’ opens, the platform has been built. And the next step, is to give life to the platform.

The exhibition ‘Inter-(Being)’ started from a ‘viral narration’ based on science ideology, and through an unexpected reason, has cross the route with Mao-Chang Chen who explores the societal aspect of viral narrations, and Pei-Yuan Chen who situates himself within the sonic iatromantis practices. We decided to populate the platform of “Studies of Interbeing - Trance 1:1” with explorations and experiments on improvisations and performativities. And thus, these events.

2022/01/15 (週六)14:00 & 16:00

《甘水湯》-- 甘水



2022/01/15 (Sat)14:00 & 16:00

“Gam Zuei Thng” - Gam Zuei

Prepared by Pei, stewed by Gam Zuei. Human genome simmered with a high volume of noise. Sine wave at war with Amino Acid. Soup, water, mixed, chaos.

In Conversation with: ‘Studies of Interbeing - Pedigree X’

2022/01/16 (週日)14:00 & 16:00

《觀共生》-- 陳沛元、陳懋璋、林沛瑩


對話作品:《相即共生練習簿:出神 1:1》

2022/01/16 (Sun)14:00 & 16:00

“Contemplating Inter-Being” - Pei-Yuan Chen, Mao-Chang Chen, Pei-Ying Lin

Ancients infiltrating reflective futures.
As micro mutations reveal macroscopic patterns.
Essence, breath, and spirit, fertilising a rebirth.
While presence and physicality deconstruct into immortality.

In Conversation with: ‘Studies of Interbeing - Trance 1:1’

2022/02/20 (週日)14:00 & 16:00

《When Noise Becomes Information》-- 甘水



本表演試圖以多音軌的噪音(also, noise)來詮釋病毒基因在人類基因序中,潛藏、共存、相互制衡的種種樣貌。


2022/02/20 (Sun)14:00 & 16:00

“When Noise Becomes Information” - Gam Zuei

Noise is omnipresent. From the cosmic microwave background to the small viral origin genes inside the human genome.

When we devoted to the search of noise, when the ‘unwanted’ become ‘wanted’, noise is no longer noise, but hidden valuable information.

This performance uses multitrack noises to interpret virus genome within the human genome, exploring the multitude of undercurrent symbiosis as well as checks and balances.

In Conversation with: ‘Studies of Interbeing - Pedigree X’

2022/02/26 (週六)& 2022/02/27 (週日)14:00 & 16:00

《適 當 沈 默》

陳懋璋ξ( >◡❛) + 許韋晨 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。+ 林沛瑩 ヘ( ゚∀゚;)ノ =《01. 選植|變異 II -風景》 +《StiLLLife: Practice 006》+《相即共生練習簿——出神1:1》


《StiLLLife: Practice 00?》系列網站


2022/02/26 (Sat)& 2022/02/27 (Sun) 14:00 & 16:00

“Decent Silence”

Mao-Chang Chenξ(>◡❛) + Ishtar Hsu。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:。 +Pei-Ying Lin ヘ( ゚∀゚;)ノ= “01. Cloning | Mutation II -Landscape ” +“StiLLLife: Practice 006”+“Studies of Interbeing - Trance 1:1”

Three artists, each with their own work, confluences here and now, splashing fragments of words. Sentences and words disperse in the space, crashing onto the ground with meanings. Images and keywords first recombine, and then reject each other. Sound, crawling along the chronicles. Tick-tock tick-tock, sound, extending its limbs to steal the time, as the works chatter, and chatter. Suddenly, someone turns around, index finger on the lips: Shhh, be quiet.

"StiLLLife: Practice 00?" project website

In Conversation with: ‘Studies of Interbeing - Trance 1:1’